About Us


Yoga Village Rishikesh’s Founder Hindu Rudrakshdev is doing the active of yoga & meditation since 1987. currently he determined to share the information of yoga, gain by the expertise within the last thirty years by a platform Yoga village Rishikesh. Our main motive to present the proper & deep information of ancient yogic techniques that he has experienced by his Guruji & himself.

Welcome to Yoga Village Rishikesh – the world of Kundalini Yoga with Swami Rudrakshdev in Rishikesh.

As a renowned Kundalini Yoga teacher, Swami Rudrakshdev has been guiding and transforming the lives of his students for many years. His unique teaching style, combined with the traditional approach of Kundalini Yoga, has helped many students to awaken their inner energy and achieve spiritual enlightenment.

At Swami Rudrakshdev’s Kundalini Yoga school in Rishikesh, you will have the opportunity to experience the power of Kundalini Yoga through the ancient technique of Shaktipat initiation. This powerful technique is designed to awaken the dormant energy lying at the base of the spine, and help it to move up through the seven chakras, resulting in a state of profound spiritual awakening.

Swami Rudrakshdev’s Shaktipat initiation is a transformative experience that can change your life forever. Through this technique, he will guide you to the path of spiritual growth and self-discovery, helping you to unlock your full potential and achieve inner peace and harmony.

Shaktipat is a powerful spiritual practice in the Indian tradition of yoga and tantra. It is a Sanskrit term, which means ‘descent of divine energy’. It is a technique in which a guru or spiritual teacher transmits their spiritual energy to the student or disciple, leading to the awakening of the dormant Kundalini energy within the disciple’s body.

Shaktipat Guru is a spiritual teacher who has attained the state of enlightenment and has the ability to transmit spiritual energy to others through the practice of Shaktipat. Such a guru is considered to be a powerful spiritual guide who can help the student to awaken their Kundalini energy and guide them towards spiritual growth and realization.

Shaktipat Diksha, on the other hand, is the process of initiation into the practice of Shaktipat. It is a formal process in which the guru transmits the spiritual energy to the disciple, enabling them to awaken their Kundalini energy and experience the divine within themselves. This process of initiation is believed to be the key to unlocking the full potential of the disciple’s spiritual growth and development.

Shaktipat Diksha involves the guru transmitting their spiritual energy through various techniques such as touch, gaze, or mantra. The process is done in a sacred and supportive environment and the disciple is required to be open and receptive to the energy transmission.

Shaktipat Guru is a spiritual teacher who has attained the state of enlightenment and has the ability to transmit spiritual energy to others through the practice of Shaktipat, while Shaktipat Diksha is the process of initiation into the practice of Shaktipat, in which the guru transmits the spiritual energy to the disciple, leading to the awakening of the Kundalini energy within the disciple’s body.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner of Kundalini Yoga, Swami Rudrakshdev’s teachings will help you to deepen your understanding of this ancient practice, and lead you towards a state of bliss and enlightenment.

So, if you are looking for a guru or teacher to guide you on your spiritual journey, Swami Rudrakshdev can help. Get in touch with us today to know more about our courses and workshops, and experience the life-changing power of Kundalini Yoga with Swami Rudrakshdev.

About Rishikesh

Rishikesh is a well known & famous place for yoga & meditation in India. Rishikesh is believed as a yoga capital of the world. Since the ancient time, so many yogis, sages & seers had done the practiced of yoga & meditation here; in the forest of himalayas & on the bank of holy river Ganga. Mahirishi Patanjali had deep practiced of Yoga, grammer of sanskrit language as well as researched on herbal medicines , in the forest of Rishikesh near 2600 years ago. At that time , he was the first man in the world , Who had written a book specially on Yoga & that was ‘Yoga Sutra’ , as well as written another book was ‘Ayurveda’ & Vyakaran. It’s a very interesting thing that after 2600 Years , after knowing about the benefits of yoga on human kind , the whole world is accepting the Patanjali Yoga sutras as a strong tool of yoga practice & following that. Now-a-days, Rishikesh is famous for yoga school, yoga Ashrams, studios as well as for tourism. So many people come here from around the world throughout the year for Yoga & meditation, Ganga river rafting, camping, trekking, bungee jumping, rock climbing & jungle safari in the Rajaji national Park. Rishikesh is 244 km. far from New Delhi International Airport & 19 km. far from Dehradun Airport.

Strong Body Life

Strong muscles do over look sensible. … As you slump, your body could compensate by flattening the traditional inward curves in your neck and lower back. This can … several postures in yoga.

Increases Blood Flow

Blood circulation is a very important a part of your body’s overall function and health. Your heart pumps blood through blood vessels inside your circulatory system

Increased Flexibility

To increase your flexibility, begin with regarding ten minutes of stretching every day, that specialize in the main muscle groups: higher body (arms, shoulders, neck), back, and lower body.

Drops Blood Pressure

Sudden drops in blood pressure most typically occur in somebody who’s rising from a lying down or sitting position to standing. this sort of low blood pressure is thought as postural hypotension or orthostatic hypotension.

Healthy Lifestyle

Being healthy ought to be a part of your overall fashion. Living a healthy fashion will facilitate forestall chronic diseases and semipermanent diseases.

Regulates Adrenal Gland

The adrenal glands ar little structures attached to the highest of every excretory organ. … is concerned within the response to illness and also helps to control body metabolism.

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